Friday, July 16, 2010

Cheap rentals for ny weddings?

hi, i'm renting Everything! from a large tent, to flatware and linens! do any of you know of a cheap rental store? I live in nyc.

thanks!Cheap rentals for ny weddings?
Best wishes on your upcoming wedding and marriage. I am not from NYC, and can't help you with that. But I do want to tell you that sometimes you can buy the things you are planning to rent cheaper. I bought my daughter's flatware at our local dollar store for less than the cost to rent it was. I made the linens for less also. Try Ebay and do you have a SAM's club. I never did a see a Walmart when visiting your wonderful city. But buyer clubs are wonderful for wedding shopping. We had a $25,000 wedding on a $10,000 budget. We worked our butts off, and I enlisted friends and family members for different projects, but it was beautiful. We had a girl's night with strawberry daquaris and wrapped silverware. White russians one night and we made favors, My friends gave my daughter a personal shower and we ended up having a ball doing the bird seed bags. I order alot of stuff online. There is so many cost cutting ideas, it take imagination and researching, but well worth it. You are doing the right thing about asking for help with renters, because someone might know of somewhere you can just rent everything together in one lump some. I hope to get back to NYC one day, I took my daughter there for New Year's Eve right before the big day. It was quality time for just us, God bless us all.....

PS...two bits of advice from a Mother who had 5 daughters....get a notebook...and start you a list of everything that needs to be done...I mean everything from picking out napkins, questbook to hiring a band. It's never too early to start calling for a appointments. Everytime you do something on your list--cross it off. This is what saved my mind, my trusty always had it handy notebook...I felt like I was making progress everything I got to mark another chore off that list.

Second peice of advice.....don't forget this is YOUR and the man you are marrying most happy special day. Make it something very special for each of you, but don't go so over board that you are so tried, frustrated, and just don't care anymore that you don't enjoy the day! Pamper yourself a little!

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